Forum Discussion

Jean_Boudoumit's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 05, 2019

Load Balancing between same application deployed on Virtual clusters and Openshift containers



What will be a recommended way to load balance between existing GTM setup of Two Data Centers for both Virtual machines and Openshift Containers?


My setup is the following:


1: Virtual Machine deployment:


With two Data Centers DC1 and DC2 deploying same 80 rest services on separate ports, we have a GTM that distributes to two LTM (LTM1, LTM2), One in DC1 and another in DC2. The two LTMs are configured inside one pool on the GTM. The LTMs use Snat. The LTMs have a pool members pointing to the service endpoints per port. This setup is giving our clients access to all our services found on different ports and virtual machines and executing using the round robin Method.


FQDN/WideIP is


2: Openshift containers:


Containers has same services but with a different GTM and LTM setup.


FQDN/WideIP is


I am wondering what is the recommended way to load balance between the two existing GTMs setup so that the client can reach either the Virtualized or the containerized service endpoints in a round robin fashion. Is it even recommended to load Balance even between to existing GTM configurations?

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