Forum Discussion

FromRome's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 09, 2019

Smtp irules access list

Hi all.

I created a simple irules for prevent unauthorized client ip to send mail to balancer:



set accepted_snat "x.x.x.x"


if { [ class exists SmtpPool ] }


if { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals $::SmtpPool] }


snat $accepted_snat

} else {

snat automap


} else {

snat automap




I created smtppool with autorized ip and assign this rule a specific virtual server. This virtual server wirk fine without rule. If i select rule in virtual server not work. If i try test to telnet i view only black screen when i connect and close the session.



4 Replies

  • what does the /var/log/ltm say?


    you do have entries in the datagroup? do those match?


    see also:

  • Hi. Thanks for response. I receive this error on log file:

     err tmm[11119]: 01220001:3: TCL error: /Common/SmtpFilter <CLIENT_ACCEPTED> - can't read "::PoolSmtp": no such variable   while executing "class match [IP::client_addr] equals $::PoolSmtp"



  • do you have a datagroup called PoolSmtp?


    remove the $:: in front of PoolSmtp in the iRule .