Forum Discussion

epaalx's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Mar 28, 2011

Retrieving Configuration Utility's stats data instead of polling

Hello F5 users,


I'd like to examine (raw) data used by Configuration Utility's stats that it displays (in Performance tab). I'd appreciate if someone can give the path for these files (- I'm hoping they're in ASCII).


The intention is to reuse data instead of polling LTM's SNMP Agent.







6 Replies

  • Hi Alex,



    The performance graph data is stored in rrd data files under /var/rrd/. You can export them to another host and use rrdtool to process them:





  • For those who are interested...

    RRD database files are /var/rrd/. One such file is "connections":

    [admin@foo-dc-6900-1:Active] rrd  cat /var/rrd/
     DO NOT DELETE OR MODIFY this autogenerated file.
     This file contains the contents of the RRDFILE section of the statsd.conf file used to generate the rrdfile: '/var/rrd/connections'
     To restore the /config/statsd.conf contents to match this rrdfile, replace the existing rrdfile entry for /var/rrd/connections with the contents of this file
    RRDFILE "/var/rrd/connections" {
        DATASOURCE "sslcurclientconns"    { EXPR "sslcurclientconns" DSTYPE GAUGE  MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN }
        DATASOURCE "sslcurserverconns"    { EXPR "sslcurserverconns" DSTYPE GAUGE  MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN }
        DATASOURCE "ssltotnatclient"    { EXPR "ssltotnatclient"   DSTYPE DERIVE MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN }
        DATASOURCE "ssltotcomclient"    { EXPR "ssltotcomclient"   DSTYPE DERIVE MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN }
        DATASOURCE "ssltotnatserver"    { EXPR "ssltotnatserver"   DSTYPE DERIVE MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN }
        DATASOURCE "ssltotcomserver"    { EXPR "ssltotcomserver"   DSTYPE DERIVE MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN }
        DATASOURCE "curclientconns"    { EXPR "curclientconns"    DSTYPE GAUGE  MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN }
        DATASOURCE "curserverconns"     { EXPR "curserverconns"    DSTYPE GAUGE  MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN }
        DATASOURCE "totclientconns"     { EXPR "totclientconns"    DSTYPE DERIVE MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN }
        DATASOURCE "totserverconns"     { EXPR "totserverconns"    DSTYPE DERIVE MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN }
        DATASOURCE "pvacurclientconns"    { EXPR "pvacurclientconns" DSTYPE GAUGE  MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN }
        DATASOURCE "pvacurserverconns"    { EXPR "pvacurserverconns" DSTYPE GAUGE  MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN }
        DATASOURCE "pvatotclientconns"    { EXPR "pvatotclientconns" DSTYPE DERIVE MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN }
        DATASOURCE "pvatotserverconns"    { EXPR "pvatotserverconns" DSTYPE DERIVE MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN }
        DATASOURCE "globalaccepts"     { EXPR "globalaccepts"     DSTYPE DERIVE MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN }
        DATASOURCE "globalconnects"     { EXPR "globalconnects"    DSTYPE DERIVE MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN }
        DATASOURCE "httprequests"     { EXPR "http_requests"     DSTYPE DERIVE MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN }
        RRA { CF AVERAGE XFF 0.500000 STEPS 1 ROWS 1080 }     non-averaged, keep data for duration of (1080 samples ´300s=) 90hours
        RRA { CF AVERAGE XFF 0.500000 STEPS 3 ROWS 2880 }     averaged over 3 raw sample reads; keep data for duration (3´2880 samples ´300s=) 30 days
        RRA { CF AVERAGE XFF 0.500000 STEPS 6 ROWS 10080 }     averaged over 6 raw sample reads; keep data for duration (6´10080 samples ´300s=) 210 days
        RRA { CF AVERAGE XFF 0.500000 STEPS 60 ROWS 4320 }     averaged over 60 raw sample reads; keep data for duration (60´4320 samples ´300s=) 900 days
    CRC 4177393880

    for clarity, the re-formatting and commenting is my own - alas, I can't get this post to display it properly.

    Those not familiar with RRDTool should realise that

    1. the data that is kept in database is post-processed ("CDPs"), not raw (sampled) data;

    2. this data is stored to display a certain view which is defined during original database creation and not alterable

    - those RRAs definitions defined both- what's stored and retrievable.

    A few ways to examine RRDs:

    Show timestamps of first and last updates


    [admin@m5F5:Active] rrd  rrdtool first connections | gawk '{print($0strftime(" - %a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y",$0))}'
    1313559530 - Wed Aug 17 15:38:50 EST 2011
    [admin@m5F5:Active] rrd  rrdtool last connections  | gawk '{print($0strftime(" - %a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y",$0))}' 
    1313570325 - Wed Aug 17 18:38:45 EST 2011

    Show most recent update of an RRD

    [admin@m5F5:Active] rrd  rrdtool lastupdate connections
            sslcurclientconns    sslcurserverconns    ssltotnatclient    ssltotcomclient    ssltotnatserver    ssltotcomserver    curclientconns    curserverconns    totclientconns    totserverconns    pvacurclientconns    pvacurserverconns    pvatotclientconns    pvatotserverconns    globalaccepts    globalconnects    httprequests
    1313570325:    0            0            0        0        0        0        66        66        18973315    18253872     0            0            0            0            1532570        1532129        1532286



    Graph statistics over last 3600s (1 hours) into connections.png

    [admin@m5F5:Active] rrd  rrdtool graph /tmp/connections.png --start -3600 DEF:outconns=connections:totclientconns:AVERAGE LINE1:outconns0000FF:"totclientconns"
  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    A slightly cleaner (Easier? IMO anyway :) way may be to use iControl to get the stats...












  • is there a way via statsd.conf to sent the data via UDP to another host, say a carbon server?
  • JJMan's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Hi, To have the data under /var/rrd, i'm using the command below:



    rrdtool xport --start now-2592000 --end now-10 DEF:d1=memory:Rtotal:AVERAGE DEF:d2=memory:Rfree:AVERAGE DEF:d3=memory:Rtmmmemory:AVERAGE DEF:d4=memory:Rtmmused:AVERAGE DEF:d5=rollupcpu:Ruser:AVERAGE DEF:d6=rollupcpu:Rsystem:AVERAGE DEF:d7=rollupcpu:Ridle:AVERAGE DEF:d8=throughput:tput_bytes_in:AVERAGE DEF:d9=throughput:tput_bytes_out:AVERAGE XPORT:d1 XPORT:d2 XPORT:d3 XPORT:d4 XPORT:d5 XPORT:d6 XPORT:d7 XPORT:d8 XPORT:d9



    For my daily KPI, i'm using the bash script below:



    F5_START=$(date -d `date -d 'yesterday' "+%Y-%m-%d"` +%s)
    F5_END=$(date -d `date -d 'now' "+%Y-%m-%d"` +%s)
    GREP_CMD=`which grep`;
    SED_CMD=`which sed`;
    AWK_CMD=`which awk`;
    RRDTOOL_CMD=`which rrdtool`;
    DATA=`$RRDTOOL_CMD xport --start $F5_START --end $F5_END DEF:d3=memory:Rtmmmemory:AVERAGE DEF:d4=memory:Rtmmused:AVERAGE DEF:d5=rollupcpu:Ruser:AVERAGE DEF:d6=rollupcpu:Rsystem:AVERAGE DEF:d7=rollupcpu:Ridle:AVERAGE DEF:d8=throughput:tput_bytes_in:AVERAGE DEF:d9=throughput:tput_bytes_out:AVERAGE XPORT:d3 XPORT:d4 XPORT:d5 XPORT:d6 XPORT:d7 XPORT:d8 XPORT:d9 | $GREP_CMD "" | $SED_CMD -e 's/<\/t>/;/g' | $SED_CMD -e 's/<\/v>/;/g' | $SED_CMD -e 's///g' | $SED_CMD -e 's/<\/v><\/row>//g' |$SED_CMD -e 's/ //g' | $GREP_CMD -v "NaN" | $AWK_CMD -F';' '{if (tput <= $7+$8) {date=$1;mem=$3*100/$2; cpu=($4+$5)*100/($4+$5+$6); tput=$7+$8}} END{printf "%.0f;%.2f;%.2f;%.2f",date,mem,cpu,tput}'`
    date_a=$(date -d @`echo $DATA | awk -F';' '{print $1}'` "+%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S");
    CPU_RATIO=`echo $DATA | awk -F';' '{print $3}'`;
    MEM_RATIO=`echo $DATA | awk -F';' '{print $2}'`;
    THROUGHPUT_TTAL_BYTES=`echo $DATA | awk -F';' '{print $4}'`;
    THROUGHPUT_TTAL=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\",${THROUGHPUT_TTAL_BYTES}*8}");
    THROUGHPUT_RATIO=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\",${THROUGHPUT_TTAL}*100/${F5_LICTPUT}}");


    Hope it helps.