Forum Discussion

rohans77's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 08, 2014

Pool names from associated node address

Hi All,


I have some nodes those are member of many pools. I want to fetch all pool names from associated node address. Please guide which icontrol interface should I use ? I couldn't find anything appropriate in LocalLB::Pool.(version 11.4.0) Thanks in advance.


br, rohan


4 Replies

  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    You have to scan through the pools, grab their pool members and match what you're looking for.


    There's no way to pull a list of pools for a given pool member. (That I know of anyway).


  • If you're using powershell you can try this:

    Initialize Snapin
    if ( (Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "iControlSnapIn"}) -eq $null ){
        Add-PSSnapIn iControlSnapIn
    Add a custom class with properties matching the object you got before
    Add-Type @'
    public class Member
        public string Pool;
        public string Address;
        public string Port;
        public string Name;
        public string Availability;
        public string Enabled;
        public string Status;
    Function Get-Pool-Members {
        Param([string]$BigIP, [string]$User, [string]$Password, [string]$Partition="Common") 
        Declare variables
        $ObjMembers = @()
        $NodeDict = @{}
        Connect to the BigIP
        $Success = Initialize-F5.iControl -HostName $BigIP -Username $User -Password $Password
        Get an iControl Handle
        $F5 = Get-F5.iControl
        Change Partition
        Get Pool Lists, statuses, nodes etc
        $PoolList = $f5.LocalLBPool.get_list()
        $Poolmembers = $f5.LocalLBPool.get_member_v2($PoolList)
        $PoolMemberstatuses = $F5.LocalLBPool.get_member_object_status($PoolList, $Poolmembers)
        $NodeList = $F5.LocalLBNodeAddressV2.get_list()
        $NodeIPList = $f5.LocalLBNodeAddressV2.get_address($NodeList)
        Save the nodes in a dictionary for convenient access
        for($i=0;$i -lt ($NodeList.Count);$i++){
            $NodeDict.Add($NodeList[$i], $NodeIPList[$i])
        for($i=0;$i -lt ($PoolList.Count);$i++){
            for($x=0;$x -lt ($PoolMembers[$i].Count);$x++){
                Create a new temporary object of the member class
                $objTempMember = New-Object Member
                Populate the object
                $objTempMember.Pool = $PoolList[$i]
                $ = $PoolMembers[$i][$x].address
                $objTempMember.Address = $NodeDict[$]
                $objTempMember.Port = $PoolMembers[$i][$x].port
                $objTempMember.Availability = $PoolMemberstatuses[$i][$x].availability_status
                $objTempMember.Enabled = $PoolMemberstatuses[$i][$x].enabled_status
                $objTempMember.Status = $PoolMemberstatuses[$i][$x].status_description
                Add the object to a list
                $ObjMembers += $objTempMember
        Return the object list
        Return $ObjMembers
    $poolmembers = Get-Pool-Members -BigIP "" -User "User" -Password "Password" -Partition "Common"
    $poolmembers | where-object { $ -eq "/Common/Poolname" } | select Pool

    There's some additional information in $poolmembers that you don't really need, but that's how I'd do it.


  • It's not that hard once you get into it. Install the powershell snapin available here at devcentral and try it out? :)


    Kind regards, Patrik