Forum Discussion

ryan_rockwell_1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 18, 2014

active members check on multiple pools

I have an iRule that redirects traffic to another pool by uri. I want to be able to mark the site offline with a placeholder if the default pool is unavailable. I have a seperate pool for my placeholder server. It works fine for the default pool offline but not if I try teh redirected pool. Any suggestions?


iRule: when HTTP_REQUEST { set DEBUG 0 if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "Request: [HTTP::uri]" } if {[active_members QA-HC-HTTP] < 1} { pool QA-PH return } if { $DEBUG } { log local0. "Request: [HTTP::uri]" } switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] { "/portals/" - "/js/" - "/controls/" - "/uk/" - "/us/" - "/ca/" - "/admin/controlpanel/" - "/webresource" - "/scriptresource" - "/resources/" - "/providers/" - "/linkclick" - "/documentation/" - "/desktopmodule/" - "/config/" - "/components/" - "/bin/" - "/app_themes/" - "/app_globalResources/" - "/app_data/" - "/app_code/" - "/app_browser/" - "/dnnaadmin/" - "/contactus/" - "/resourcecenter/i" - "/resourcecenter/r" - "/resourcecenter/j" - "/resourcecenter/e" { if { $DEBUG }{log local0. "Sending request to QA-HC-HTTPDNN"} if {[active_members QA-HC-HTTP] < 1} { pool QA-PH return } pool QA-HC-HTTPDNN } default { pool QA-HC-HTTP} } }