Forum Discussion

Brian_Moon_1029's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 03, 2007

active_nodes usage

I am sort of new to writing iRules. I noticed the active_nodes command in the docs, but can't find much info on it. The docs say "Returns the alias for active pool members". What is "the alias"? Is that a list? How can I use that information? I need to potentially see this list so I can pass one of more member IP/ports in a header to my backend. Anyone know anything?

2 Replies

  • Deb_Allen_18's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    The command "active_members" (Click here) may be used to return the of currently available members in a pool. I believe the "active_nodes" command is an alias for "active_members", provided for v4.x compatibility.



    If you want to pass along pool member details, that's not what you're after.



    The command you need depends on what exactly you want to do.



    If you want to insert info regarding the selected server, you can do so with "LB::server" command in the LB_SELECTED or subsequent events: Click here







  • Hmm, ok. Actually, I need to pass along data about another Pool B to requests going to Pool A. I don't think I am going to be able to do it though looking at the docs. I hope I am missing something.