Forum Discussion

Terry_77423's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Sep 30, 2016

adfs 3.0 and APM O365

We are in the early stages of the design of an adfs 3.0 implementation, and we would like to use APM to provide the functionality of the adfs proxy in our dmz. According to this article It should work. However this document says that ssl termination is not an option:


It is still unclear to me regarding the full ecosystem, but from what I gather a sticking point might be activesync, as the authentication for activesync will be proxied from the cloud to our adfs, and a client certificate of o365 might need to be passed to the backend adfs servers.


Can anyone speak of replacing the wap/adfs proxy in adfs 3.0 implementation with F5 apm, and any possible sticking points that they have experienced?




5 Replies

  • Terry,


    What Stanislas has posted is correct. May I ask why you are using ADFS 3.0 with Office 365? Are there any specific requirements that drive you towards that? APM can also perform federation of users to Office 365(and a bunch of other popular SaaS applications). I'd suggest you take a look at this guide and see if it makes sense to deploy APM as the IDP:



    • Terrence's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      To be truthful, this was a decision made without having F5 in mind, although we have been using F5 very successfully for owa preauthentcation for quite some time, I dont even think it came up as a possible solution. We now have a consultant onsite with the specific mandate to deploy adfs, so we are deploying adfs.


  • Terry,


    What Stanislas has posted is correct. May I ask why you are using ADFS 3.0 with Office 365? Are there any specific requirements that drive you towards that? APM can also perform federation of users to Office 365(and a bunch of other popular SaaS applications). I'd suggest you take a look at this guide and see if it makes sense to deploy APM as the IDP:



    • Terrence's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      To be truthful, this was a decision made without having F5 in mind, although we have been using F5 very successfully for owa preauthentcation for quite some time, I dont even think it came up as a possible solution. We now have a consultant onsite with the specific mandate to deploy adfs, so we are deploying adfs.