Forum Discussion

Mark_Cloutier's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 20, 2009

Adobe Edge servers don't work after upgrade from 4.5.6 to 9.4.6

I have an HA pair of 2400s in my dmz, serving dozens of VIPS, mostly standard http(s). It also load balances a pair of Adobe Connect Edge servers, which use this HA pair as a def gateway to connect into the internal network, via the dmz interface on a firewall to a pair of 1500s running 9.30, doing ssl termination for a pair of Adobe Connect origin servers. This all worked fine for months, until I swapped the 2400s for another pair of 2400s running 9.4.6. All the other web sites (mostly Sun One web/app server applications) run fine, but the Adobe Edge servers last about 5 minutes before they disconnect from the origin servers and basically recycle. They last another few minutes and recycle again. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I have a ticket open with F5 and am awaiting an engineer to call back

2 Replies

  • I noticed right after I posted that I was in the iControl forum... Sorry about that. I'll bring this question over to the correct forum. I moved the Adobe Connect app back over to a 4.5.10 pair of Bigips and got it working again. d
  • Hi,


    This is the wrong forum for this kind of question. Next time for problems such as this you should use the Management / Solutions forum.



    That being said I am assuming you have looked at the Adobe Connect Edge logs to see what could be wrong. If they last about 5 minutes did you perform a TCP dump to see what happens in those 5 minutes?


