Forum Discussion

AngryCat_52750's avatar
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Feb 27, 2013

APM SSL User Login/Logout Logging

We are running our SSL VPN through the F5 APM.. as part of a security audit, we need to be able to log when a user logs in and logs out with a time stamp.


Does this already exist or is there a way to log this information??


7 Replies

  • Do you want to know when the user logs into the APM webtop, or when they start the SSLVPN?
  • This is perhaps a little crude, but try this:

    ACCESS::restrict_irule_events disable 
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/myvpn?sess=" } {
    log local0. "SSLVPN session started for [ACCESS::session data get session.logon.last.username], from IP [IP::client_addr]"
    if { [HTTP::uri] equals "/vdesk/timeoutagent-i.php" } {
    log local0. "SSLVPN session terminated for [ACCESS::session data get session.logon.last.username]"

    It assumes you've captured the username during authentication, which should be stored in the session.logon.last.username session variable. It logs to the LTM log, which shows the time and date natively.

    Logon should be solid, but logout will never be a guarantee if the user closes without logging out, reboots, or otherwise.

  • I shall give this a try.. we have the same issue (not logging out, reboots, etc..) with our current solution.. As long as we can get a time stamp to when the system kicks them out, we will be golden..



    Thanks Kevin..
  • Kevin, Not sure why you would use an iRule... the information is in the /var/log/apm file...



    [root@apm-device:Active:Standalone] log grep ca0767ca apm | egrep "Session deleted due|AD agent: Auth"


    Feb 26 14:58:51 apm-device info apd[5720]: 01490017:6: ca0767ca: AD agent: Auth (logon attempt:0): authenticate with 'scoope' successful


    Feb 26 15:14:06 apm-device notice tmm[8414]: 01490502:5: ca0767ca: Session deleted due to user inactivity or errors.


    [root@apm-device:Active:Standalone] log



    You can write a script to parse the logs and get all the information you need...





    Seth Cooper
  • what i ended doing was the following -

         set userid [ACCESS::session data get "session.logon.last.username"]
         set userip [ACCESS::session data get "session.user.clientip"]
        log local0. "$userid logged in from $userip" 
         set userid [ACCESS::session data get "session.logon.last.username"]
         set userip [ACCESS::session data get "session.user.clientip"]
        log local0. "$userid logged out from $userip" 