Forum Discussion

Mr__Katic_15215's avatar
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Oct 19, 2015

ASM binary export missing time of transactions



When I do export of ASM Request logs in binary (csv) from Configuration Utility at Security ›› Event Logs : Application : Requests , time of each request is missing. We need to be able to export requests with exact time of each transaction. Is it possible to do this? Same on 11.6Hf4 and 11.6HF5...


Thanks Srdjan


4 Replies

  • Thanks for answer That was my first idea but there is no splunk or arcsight on premises, or any cef compatible siem or similar. Custom software (in house developed) processed IIS logs for analytics but now there is BIG IP as the source of logs. Not preferred option would be to use xff header and stick with entries in IIS logs like before BIG IP but that would impose other concerns...


  • i don't see any option to make changes in that section.


    you can perhaps use the logging profile to send the data somewhere with the fields you need and pick it up from there.


  • Epoch converter would solve half of the procedure, we also need human readable form for non-tech personnel. It is the last option since it would require re-dev of sw that process logs and sw that generate reports for reading. We simply need for each request> time, source ip, url accessed and country, nothing else in this procedure.


  • don't you have a Time column in the csv? it seems to be in unix timestamp so you need to convert that.