Forum Discussion

Wayne_159516's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 27, 2015

Best way to trace/troubleshoot traffic between Remedy web server and app server.

I was wondering, if we have a remedy web server pool and vip and a remedy app server pool and vip, what's the best way to trace/monitor/troubleshoot traffic from the web server pool to the app server pool? This is BMC remedy 8. Thanks.


4 Replies

  • James_Quinby_46's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    iRules can be useful here as well - there are several examples that can log information about the client requests, server responses, load-balancing decisions, and so on. Here's one.


  • James_Quinby_46's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    iRules can be useful here as well - there are several examples that can log information about the client requests, server responses, load-balancing decisions, and so on. Here's one.


  • James_Quinby_46's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    iRules can be useful here as well - there are several examples that can log information about the client requests, server responses, load-balancing decisions, and so on. Here's one.


  • It probably depends on the problem you're having, but for most of the troubleshooting I need to do, i use

    (SOL10209), and recently I've seen the wireshark plugin for f5 (and the getting started article) that I look forward to checking out.

    On windows, I also use Fiddler for monitoring client traffic to check from that side.

    With those tools, I'm usually able to figure out where the problem lies, and narrow down what I need to do.

    Hope this helps.