Forum Discussion

TBG_112407's avatar
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Oct 07, 2013

BIG-IP APM Windows Files (Firepass Migration)



We are currently in the middle of migrating our Firepass system to BIG-IP APM.


On our current Firepass system we use the "Windows Files" option a lot, trough this option its possible to provide access to file shares trough the web browser.


In the BIG-IP im not able to find this option, are is the "Windows Files" option available or is there a good alternative?


3 Replies

  • if you are looking for web like access to your windows file shares (as in firepass), don't look at APM it isn't there. you can of course offer direct access to windows shares with an app or full tunnel.


    the request has been raised, there are more people asking for it, but F5 isn't putting it in, why? dont know.


    like i posted before an alternative is a tool that does the web access to file shares and you just link to it from the webtop. though it means supporting another tool.


  • Any solution for windows files with the latest release. as we are looking to confirm, i couldn't find any information online to say its supported at the moment. please advise if any


    many Thanks




  • this is the major disappointment in FirePass to APM migration projects. there isn't a way with BIG-IP itself. in one case with went for an external solution called "Web file manager HTTP Commander", first hit on google is it. there are also some free alternatives but those will require some tinkering on your side.