Forum Discussion

Bernardo_Brito's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 23, 2020

BIG-IP Edge Client run script before disconnect



Currently I have multiple Windows clients running f5 BIG-IP Edge Client and I need them to run a script to contact an internal server before disconnecting from the VPN. There are some articles about running logoff scripts on client (, but couldn't find any about running scripts on client upon disconnect but before terminating VPN connection.


Does f5 have any feature to address this case? Is it possible to run a script in the client machine after the user clicks on the disconnect button but before the VPN connection is terminated?



3 Replies

  • Hello Darío,


    I've followed the instructions in KB, but from my tests, when the script runs (after clicking disconnect), the PPP adapter is not configured, so I can't contact the internal server as needed.


    Do you know any other solution to this scenario? Am I Missing Something?


    Thanks in advance,




    • Dario_Garrido's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP

      Hello Bernardo.


      It works fine in my enviroment. I recommend you to take into account next considerations:

      1) Logoff script file should be located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\F5 VPN\scripts\onSessionTermination.bat"

      2) The system runs the logoff script by using the privileges of the VPN user. Ensure that the user has sufficient privileges to perform the administrative tasks you scripted.

      3) You have Edge Client installed and the option "Run session log off script" is correctly enabled in the connectivity profile

      4) Remember to download a new installer of Edge Client after enabling the option "Run session log off script".




  • Hello Bernardo.

    In the KB you have already provided it's everything you need.

    check section: "Create the logoff script on the client"

