Forum Discussion

Jnon's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 25, 2019

BIG-IQ change reporting

I have read that BIG-IQ can monitor / report on changes made to the LTM configs, is that only changes that are made using the BIG-IQ or will changes made on the device also be recognized by BIG-IQ and reportable. I'm thinking something like tripwire capabilities.


2 Replies

  • Jnon's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Well, what I was thinking about was a report generated maybe by the audit logs of all the devices, so you could see from the BIG-IQ if there were made on a device that might have a problem. Without the need to log into the BIG-IP.


    However what you're talking about is good to know, glad to hear the backup module has a compare feature. That would be very good when two devices get out of sync.


  • Hi, I have not used a scheduled report, but what I have configured is backup of configurations nightly that are stored for 3 days. If something happens, I normally use the compare feature found under Back Up & Restore -- Backup Compare History. Once the date and devices have been selected it will reveal the result of either "view differences" which you can then select and compare side by side (similar to notepad ++ output) or "No change" which gives no selection option. Hope this helps.