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Festah_29458's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 25, 2010

bigip networking Configuration Guide




I'm having some issues with setting up our BigIP, I have configured a VIP, nodes, pools, monitors, etc all appear fine and the monitors detect the nodes are active. When trying to access the VIP I get no response via web or by ping. I can only think I have messed up the networking side however can not find any documentation for this.



I have the Configuration Guide for LTM but this does not cover the networking.



Does any one have any ideas or know where I can get Configuration Guide for the networking side.




12 Replies

  • Ok I finally got this working and the moral of the story is don't trust anything your networking team tells you. Turns out when they said we have tagged vlans they meant we have untagged vlans. Moved the interface from tagged to untagged vlan and it all started to work.



    Thanks for all your help and suggestions.


  • This may not be a case of your networking team being ignorant, but a misunderstanding of nomenclature differences between vendors. Cisco, for example, calls vlan tagged interfaces trunks, and they call trunked links etherchannel.