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Scot_85536's avatar
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Aug 29, 2015

BigIP VE Lab

I have a VE Lab license that I'm trying to install as my internet firewall to be able to play around with it. I have DHCP at home, not a static IP. I know BigIP can do DHCP for the management addresses, but is the BigIP not able to do DHCP assigned addresses for anything else? I can't find anything other than DHCP relay information, and I can't figure out how to configure an interface for anything other than static addressing.




3 Replies

  • Quite frankly, it doesn't make sense to use DHCP for traffic management. If you used DHCP to assign an IP address to a virtual server, you'd need some elaborate DNS scheme to ever be able to access it.


    And so just to clarify your question, is this for outbound access or inbound? Do you sit behind an Internet router/modem that would give you an internal LAN that supports static IPs?


  • I agree it doesn't make much sense for LTM. F5 hawks their equipment as a firewall replacement along with LTM and GTM, so I'm trying to learn that part of it. I implemented LTM and GTM at work along with a Cisco firewall for a fortune 500 so I'm plenty familiar with those and networking. I'm not trying to do LTM, GTM, or traffic management here though. I'm trying to learn the firewall side of the BigIP. I bought a VE lab license intending to replace my home ASA with the BigIP. My only option on the outside is DHCP as I don't have a static IP available to me without upgrading to a business class connection. The only other option I can think of is a small static network between my ASA and BigIP and do double NAT.


  • im afraid you are stuck with that last option. as the BIG-IP is probably never put into the situation you want it in the is no option to get an IP for a non management interface via DHCP.