Forum Discussion

daviddaoud2_205's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 03, 2008

BUG in iRule with SIP messages




I have found what looks like a "bug" in the use of iRules to modify SIP messages and redirect them. Here is the thing:



My code looks like:





if { ( [SIP::method] equals "INFO" ) } {



log local0. " INFO IS HERE "



node 5060






The goal is simply to redirect the INFO messages to (I could use the command pool, it's the same!). I can see in the log "INFO IS HERE", I can even modify headers for the INFO messages BUT the message is NOT redirected !



Why? Probably because there is some kind of SIP Persistence that forces the decision of the BIG-IP. This latter probably thinks: ' with this call-id I should send it to this server'.



However I havent configured any SIP persistence but just a simple SIP Profile (all options disabled).



Do you have a clue how to change this and provok the REDIRECTION of the messages?




Thanks a lot, I'm really stuck here!







11 Replies

  • Hmmm ... my mistake. It's actually working now.



    I think its thanks to the Diagram LB option again. I have to make more testings to make sure it's ok.



    Anyway sorry for that ... it really didn't work and suddenly it does.





