Forum Discussion

Skuba_85554's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 11, 2009

bypassing client authentication

i've got a virtual server listening on 443 which uses both a certificate for SSL and also requires client authentication. this works fine



i've now been informed of another set of users who want to access the same site but don't want to have to authenticate (although they still want their sessions to be encrypted using SSL)



is there a way of making use of the same virtual server with an irule which determines from the uri whether or not they need to authenticate?




13 Replies

  • Hi Aaron



    I've tested the iRule today and it seems to work great. Is there any way that I can log unsuccessful client authentication attempts?



  • Hi Skuba,



    You could add logic in CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE to check for clients making a request with no cert after the renegotiation. You could also validate the client cert against either the SSL cert in the client SSL profile or using a trusted CA cert. You can use the SSL::verify_result (Click here). You'd probably also want to check the AUTH::status value in AUTH_RESULT to see whether the OCSP validation was completed successfully.



    Note there is an issue where you can't differentiate between no response and a revoked status from the OCSP responder using AUTH::status. F5 is tracking this in CR126501. A workaround is to create a pool containing the OCSP server IP address(es) and then use a monitor to check the status of the pool. You can then use [active_members $ocsp_pool] in your iRule to detect whether the OCSP servers are down.



  • Hi Scuba,


    I am having difficulties join LTM to domain for my vip. following LTM guild for kerberos and trying to join. getting this error everytime I tried:



    Run msktutil $s = system("KRB5CCNAME=$cc msktutil $verboseflag --server $kdcname --computer-name $shortname --hostname $hostcmd --delegation -c --upn HOST/$hostcmd"); die "Couldn't join domain($s)." unless $s == 0; Add the HTTP service principal. $s = system("KRB5CCNAME=$cc msktutil $verboseflag --server $kdcname --computer-name $shortname --hostname $hostname --service HTTP"); unlink $cc;



    I have created a new virtual servers, on vip, it shows dns name. I'm using following command from putty. [root@OA-PP-LB2:Standby] config domaintool --debug --join --admin_principal admin --host



    DC can do forward and reverse lookup on DNS. Any assistance in this situation will be appreciated. What settings you have in your working v.ip.

