Forum Discussion

pmb_70923's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 04, 2016

Can you insert node_ip or node_name into the send strings on MSSQL monitor?

I am exploring using an MSSQL monitor where it is configured to use an alias IP and port to connect to a central DB server and in this DB server we have a table that lists the UP or DOWN status of our servers.


What I then want to do is have the Send string of the monitor dynamically pick up the ip or name of the node it runs against and pass this into the SQL statement (i.e. the send string)...


e.g. SELECT Server_Name, Server_IP, Server_Status FROM LB_STATUS WHERE Server_IP = %node_IP%


This doesn't work, so either it is the wrong syntax or it just isn't possible.


Does anyone know if this can be done?


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