Forum Discussion

Soujanaya_Sunku's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 22, 2013

Can't find the Cookie inserted by IRule used by APM in Fiddler

Need to check if the cookie is coming forward.


We need to capture the cookie value using javascript document.cookie for Omniture tracking but it is null.


So wanted to check if i can do document.cookie ? If not what is JS command i can use to capture the cookie inserted by F5 IRule .




set user [ACCESS::session data get "session.logon.last.username"] set uri [HTTP::uri] HTTP::header insert "PortalEmail" "$user" HTTP::cookie insert name "PortalEmail" value "$user" }


2 Replies

  • A few things:


    1. The code you've submitted is for an HTTP request. The header and cookie are inserted into the data sent by the client TO the server, so the client wouldn't see this. If you want the client to get a header or cookie, it needs to be in a response event.


    2. APM sets a few cookies, but the most important is the "MRHSession" token that gets sent in the FIRST 302 redirect to "/my.policy".


    3. Once you've found the Set-Cookie header in the response data, look at its attributes. If one of those attributes is "HTTPonly", then you won't be able to get to it with client side JavaScript code.