Forum Discussion

jas1066uk_33769's avatar
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Nov 17, 2017

Cisco ACE to F5

Hello all,


Looking for a working script that will convert from ACE (4710) to F5 2000. I have 4 pairs to do. Any freelancers (cheap) that can it through there own scripts, new to the role, just past CCNA and broke.


Thanks for looking




2 Replies

  • How many VIPs do you have on each ACE?


    I have a set of scripts in Python I have developed over several year which I have used in large production migrations a few times.


    Message me you details.


  • If you have had any training on F5, I would recommend to perform the configurations on the F5 itself. There are lots of configurations on Ace that you do not need on F5. Using the script may also work but what if you need to tweak some changes depending upon the requirement that arises while implementation.Scripts are also available online, cisco website, but I do not good experience using them.