Forum Discussion

Tim_Slogick_122's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 01, 2014

Citrix Storefront and Webinterface without APM

I want looking at the deployment guide for the new Citrix 2.0 iApp. In the documentation it shows a diagram using either Citrix Storefront or Webinterface without using the APM module and just the LT...
  • Greg_Crosby_319's avatar
    Dec 03, 2014

    You can route ICA traffic through your LTM to optimize traffic, but will not be able to dynamically adjust client destination address and force secure ssl connections back to your BIG-IP. APM modifies the ICA client file to force clients ICA traffic back to APM virtual server ip address and notifies clients to encapsulation ICA into SSL. Once application traffic arrives to your BIG-IP, APM strips SSL from ICA traffic and sends ICA to original assigned destination. A public LTM only deployment would require your application addresses to be public, or you would have to do some adjustments to your Citrix deployment to use host address rather then ip which you could then NAT back to your application servers ip addresses. LTM only is great for local private networks were client connections are trusted and exposing application server address is not a concern, but is not ideal for public deployments. Hope this is helpful,

