Forum Discussion

Greg_Black's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Oct 03, 2016

Configuring the management IP for a new VE BigIP LTM

Hey guys,


I am putting in place a new VE BigIP LTM version 11.4.1 to take the place of an older 10.2.2 VE. The older one is still up and running so I am not currently using that mgmt IP. The new VE is a VHD and has been setup using settings that match the older one, (VLAN, RAM, CPU, etc).


-On the new VE, I have manually removed DHCP: tmsh modify sys global-settings mgmt-dhcp disabled


-Next, I added a new IP for the management IP: tmsh create /sys management-ip




-Once I added it, I verified it by using this: tmsh list /sys management-ip


All appears to look good, but for some reason it will still not allow me access to the GUI. Am I missing something here? Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.




5 Replies

  • I had the same issue only to find out that the firewall was blocking the traffic. Enabled https traffic to the management ip address of the F5 to resolve the issue.


  • route perhaps?


    is there a reason why you don't use the usual command: config ?


    • Greg_Black's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      No, because it is still in use. I have put a different Mgmt IP in place for the new F5 so that I can configure it in the GUI.