Forum Discussion

AndOs's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Oct 05, 2016

Connection events for ftp data channel


I'm making an irule for an ftp service that's load balanced.

The VIP is using the standard ftp profile.

But I'm not seeing any connection events triggering when the data channel is created.

Using this simplified irule just logs the first connection to the control channel (port 21), not anything when client connects to VIP for PASV or server connecting to LTM responding to a PORT command.

    set client_ip [IP::client_addr]
    set client_port [TCP::client_port]
    set vip_addr [IP::local_addr]
    set vip_port [TCP::local_port]
    log local1. "$client_ip:$client_port -> $vip_addr:$vip_port"

Is there any way to get CLIENT_ACCEPTED triggering for the data channel?


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