Forum Discussion

waterfall_10467's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Dec 31, 2012


Hello Team,


I wonder if f5 is able to monitor to servers intermitently For example ; we have a pool and the pool has 4 members and f5 will take down them and up periodically example ;in 15 muntes



for example; member x down


and after 15 minutes member x up


and after 15 minutes member x down




Do you think How can we perform the monitoring ?



thank you in advance.




12 Replies

  • You could write a shell script which uses tmsh to enable/disable pool members. You could then call that shell script from an external monitor.



    But as WLB says, this is a confusing request. Why would you want to manually mark a working server down on a schedule? Wouldn't this affect clients who are being load balanced to that server? Or do you want to drain the connections first? You could do this by setting the pool member status to:



    Disabled (Only persistent or active connections allowed)



  • Hello Aaron,



    thank you for your quick reply but that is being wanted by customer so ı wonder if it is possible. of course as you said clients will be affected who are being load balanced.



    sincerely yours,