Forum Discussion

JCMATTOS_41723's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 26, 2015

Data Group String Wildcard?

We just upgraded a pair of 8900's from v10.2.1 with v11.4.1 HF3 and noticed our data-group string list became unusable. We have been unable to edit or add any entry in the data-group after the upgrade. We called support and they advised us to use an External Data Group list and that isn't working at all. We've finally figured out a way to utilize the String/Value datagroup by simply adding an entry in both the String and Value section. For example, we added with the same syntax string in both areas "String" and "Value" and it works!


Unfortunately now, we ran into another issue which we are not able to use wildcard values? For example, we get an error when we use a syntax with variable like "*" like * We were able to use this value before the upgrade, did something change in the new version 11.x? Please advise?


2 Replies



    using empty values causes the described behaviour in v11.4. Datagroups cannot be modified. Just fill with dummy values as a workaround.


    Regarding the usage of wildcards I found SOL13938 which sounds similar but should be fixed already.


    Just try to escape the wildcard symbol as described in the solution.


    Thanks, Stephan


  • shaggy's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
    can you provide the data-group config and the irule syntax that references the data-group?