Forum Discussion

cathy_123's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Jun 17, 2019

Disk partition / has only 0% free

Hi F5,


Can you help me check I am seeing this log in our LTM in the past days df -h is below. Checking the root I don't see big files that may cause this. Thanks!



4 Replies

  • Hello Dario,


    Thanks! however I have seen this and deleted the software images and still nothing happens. Shared disk usage was lessened. however my target is in "/" directory. When I checked on "/" directory I can only see 160K is used. we have 427M of memory allocated in / directory. Thank you!

  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    You might want to check your home directory for disk usage.

  • Hello cathy.

    Linux FileSystem is separated in partitions

    Filesystem      Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mapper/vg--db--sda-set.3.root -> 427M 427M   0 100% /
    /dev/mapper/vg--db--sda-set.3._config -> 3.2G 120M 2.9G  4% /config
    /dev/mapper/vg--db--sda-set.3._usr -> 4.0G 3.4G 407M 90% /usr
    /dev/mapper/vg--db--sda-set.3._var -> 3.0G 866M 2.0G 31% /var
    /dev/mapper/vg--db--sda-dat.share -> 40G 8.0G  30G 22% /shared
    /dev/mapper/vg--db--sda-dat.log -> 20G 1.1G  18G  6% /var/log

    This means that locations like /config, /shared or /var have a separated partition and they are managed separately. So, If you remove some file from /shared, you are only freeing space on /shared partition.

    In the other hand, other locations without specific partition risede in root (/). For example /home or /root reside in root partition (/). So, as JG says, try to dig into these locations first.

