Forum Discussion

vishal_7918_352's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 16, 2018

DNS lookup server list and DNS search domain list

Hello All,


I would like to understand the difference between DNS lookup server list and DNS Search domain list. It will be really helpful if each can be explained with a used case example.


Many thanks!


1 Reply

  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    DNS lookup server list contains the DNS servers you want to send your DNS queries to.


    DNS Search domain list contains the names of the domains that will be searched if you do not provide a fully-qualified domain name when trying to access a resource. For example, you want to ping host, and you have "" in the search domain list, you can do just "ping server1" rather than "ping". Beware, though, of the risks of getting to the wrong server if you put in multiple subdomains in the list and there is a server called "server1" in all these subdomains.