Forum Discussion

Stéph_6000's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 12, 2019

DNS requester default domain

Hi Devcentral,


I have just configured a new VS to use as a proxy server using the http-explicit profile. Everything works fine except for one kind of request. When a user asks for an internal web site without using the FQDN.


In this case the 'DNS-Resolver' in the LTM configuration will ask the DNS for this hostname adding just a .(dot) at the end as if it was a top-level domain. In my case, I would like to be able to add a default domain to search from.


For example, when a user browses for i'd like the 'DNS-resolver' to ask for "intranet.local." instead of just "intranet."


The "DNS Search Domain List" in the System›Configuration>Device>DNS is configured but seems to be used only by the linux/mgmt part of the big-ip not by the LTM.


So I have wondering if there is a hack for that because I can't find it in the GUI. Please let me know.


Regards, Stephane


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