Forum Discussion

Mike_D_139588's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 03, 2014

F5 1600 Lab License?

I have noticed that the VE lab license is now roughly $95, however I am looking to get more hands on experience with something like a 1600.


Is it possible to purchase lab licenses for the 1600 - if so, does anyone have the proper SKU I should lookup with CDW or other partners? This would be for home use, I just don't want to get stuck into trying to get trial licenses over and over.


Much appreciated!


3 Replies

  • Hi Mike, No the Lab licenses only cover the Virtual Editions, not the hardware appliances.


    • Mike_61663's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      No, there isn't any non-VE version of the Lab license. Sorry.
    • Mike_D_139588's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      I understand the VE lab license is VE only, but is there such a thing as a lab license or internal use license/testing license other than the 90 day evals that can be purchased?