Forum Discussion

l_lupos's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 25, 2018

F5 GTM/DNS Sub domain delegation

Hi Everyone,


Just a quick question, let's say I have an existing domain entry on my DNS Server that directs to a specific A record ( Then I decided to use a GTM for GSLB, should I remove the A record and create a CNAME record () and delegate it to my GTM wide IP? Is there also a downtime when I do this?


Thank you!


3 Replies

  • Anesh's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    If you are planning to use the GTM to do DNS loadbalancing for , then Yes you must delete the A record and point it to the CNAME




    The downtime will depend on the TTL for the A record


  • Thank you for your answers, much appreciated. But can I force the DNS config to lessen the downtime?