Forum Discussion

Gestione_Reti_W's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 10, 2018

F5 LTM - SNAT fails in a /23 subnet

Hello all. We have installed a couple of BIG-IP LTM 1600 v11.3.0 (Build 3138.0) in active-passive mode. This cluster balances servers in two different DMZ (using Route Domains). Now the business aske...
  • Dan_Pacheco_163's avatar
    Aug 10, 2018

    This behavior is strange. When I create a snatpool I typically select a snat subnet that is not shared with the servers. The behavior you are describing makes it sound like your cisco router has two /24 interfaces instead of a single /23. I assume this has been checked?