Forum Discussion

Elhanan_maayan_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 20, 2014

fixating ports between client and server



we have a java APPLICATION behind an F5, which uses tcp sockets to communicate with devices beyond F5, the trouble is that we noticed that while our application uses port 12092 to send messages to a device, wireshark shows that the src port is changed in the packet to another port, so while the device is able to recieve the message, it won't use the src port written in the packet, but would always respond the a fixed port it has (i.e 12092), however since F5 change the port it won't listen to that port and has sent back an error to the device.


my questions is this, how do i make sure that F5 relays tcp requests on the same port it got them. i already checked i've already checked that "port translation" is disabled and "source port" is preserve


2 Replies

  • no i did not, i'm still trying to figure out "if the port is in use, the connections is not processed" i'm also trying to see what is nPath, and if we need it.


  • if you have no snat/port translation and source port=preserve on the VS it should work. Have you tried source port=preserve strict ?