Forum Discussion

tim_pearson_938's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 10, 2008

fooling a client and the server

I am trying to get an iPhone to connect to our iNotes server and neither are playing nice. I think I can fool it by using the F5. My issue is that the iNotes server will not accept an IP address as a valid host. I have been trying to get the F5 to rewrite the URL, but am having issues

iPhone ---- -->F5 --->inotes server

What I have so far:

when HTTP_REQUEST {   
         Check if requested host is an IP address   
      if {[HTTP::host] eq ""}{   
            Rewrite HOST   
         [HTTP::host] ""   
      pool Test_iNotes_pool  
  when HTTP_RESPONSE {   
       Check if response is a name   
      if {[HTTP::host] eq ""}{   
            Rewrite return HOST   
         [HTTP::host] ""   

edited, because I forgot to anonymize