Forum Discussion

kridsana's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Feb 06, 2018

Forward SSL proxy or Proxy SSL ?



We want to create new Virtual server wildcard Outbound with standard type and port 443.


The thing is we want to decrypt to inspect and modify some http header of some host too.


example. If we access ";, F5 should perform irule and send it to pool A but if other user access ";, F5 should do nothing and send traffic normally.


What need to do between Forward SSL proxy and Proxy SSL?


Is both an additional license? Thank you


1 Reply

  • For this you will need to implement a Forward SSL Proxy. If you are just forwarding SSL traffic and don't want decrypt/encrypt on the BIG-IP, no additional license is needed. But in your case you will need an additional license:


    BIG-IP Add-on: SSL Forward Proxy License.