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DebbieB_165163's avatar
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Jul 31, 2014

General Database error - Configuration - Options

Just received and starting configuring an F5 2000s. All seems to be working well, but get the following message in the GUI, when selecting System-Logs-Configuration-Options "General database error retrieving information"


Trying to get some decent logging. So far the system seems to be doing minimal logging. I've done nothing at this point trying to configure remote syslog servers or anything else, so this is pretty much a factory configuration as far as logging goes.


Do I have a problem that needs to go to support, or is there just something I need to do in the configuration?


7 Replies

  • if it's a brand new config there should not be such error message, i would go for a case.


  • This is a known issue still unresolved in the latest BIG-IP release.

    You can use tmsh to workaround your issue :

    To use the CLI, You can use the "tmsh modify sys db  value " to change the setting of "Logs / Configuration / Options".
    tmsh modify sys db log.http.level value Warning.
        You can also list the various log level variables by using the list command. So, from the CLI:
        - Type 'tmsh'
        - list sys db log (and then hit the tab key twice)
        Please note that there are quite a few log level variables so it might want to list quite a few, so knowing what one you want to modify is a better.
        Some common ones are:- 
        Local Traffic Logging
        sys db log.arp.level value-range "Debug Error Informational Notice Warning"
        sys db log.http.level value-range "Debug Error Informational Notice Warning"
        sys db log.ip.level value-range "Debug Informational Notice Warning"
        Global Traffic Logging
        sys db log.gtm.level value-range "alert crit debug emerg err error info notice panic warn warning"
        sys db log.big3d.level value-range "alert crit debug emerg err error info notice panic warn warning"
        sys db log.big3dshim.level value-range "alert crit debug emerg err error info notice panic warn warning"
        Audit Logging
        sys db config.auditin value-range "all disable enable verbose"
  • Actually, I resolved the problem with my system, by upgrading. Currently running 11.5.1 Build 4.0.128, but I initially resolved it with 11.5.1 build 2.0.121


    Upgrading to 11.5.0 was suggested by support. Appears to be a known bug in 11.4


  • Sounds you can repair the db by upgrading. I have this issue on 11.5.1 HF4 on vCMP guest


  • I've also this issue on vCMP guest on 11.4.1 HF4. If I clearly understood, this issue is resolved on 11.5.1 but not for vCMP guests where the issue is still present. Am I right?


  • I have this bug in 11.5.1 on vCMP guest. This bug affect all running guest from the same appliance or viprion.

    BUGID 447063 
    On VCMP Guests, the GUI for System :: Logs :: Configuration :: Options produces a General Database error on page load. 
    This occurs when attempting to configure system logging via the GUI on a VCMP guest. 
    Cannot change the logging configuration via the GUI. Workaround: Use tmsh to change the logging configuration.