Forum Discussion

nash_65851's avatar
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Apr 11, 2013

GET Request using Host Header Value not IP Address

Hello Forum...


I am using a server pool to load balance some web servers for multiple applications. I have everything all set up and working in terms of accessing the web server, but I am hit with an issue that I assume should be easy to resolve, but I just can't seem to put my finger on it.


The web servers are sharepoint servers which use the host-header value to send the request to the correct sharepoint app using Alternate Access Mappings (AAM) in sharepoint.


Using the the server pool, the nodes are all configured with IP addresses and the get request is completed using the IP address rather than a specific host name..


Can anyone please point me in the right direction as to how I get the request to be done with the host header rather than the IP address of the selected node in the pool.


Many thanks!


(Our environment is 11.3.0)


11 Replies

  • When you say you are accessing this all through a VPN, are you saying that you are connecting via a Network Access policy that assigns your client an IP address in it's own lease pool?


    It is a long shot, but if this is the case, could it possibly be a routing issue from your web front ends not sending the traffic back via the BigIP?