Forum Discussion

Bhargav_9588's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 15, 2010

getfield Parsing error




I am trying to add an iRule to insert an http header value by stripping out domain from REMOTE_USER header. The following is the iRule I am trying to use:





set login_user [HTTP::header remote_user ]


if { $login_user contains "\" } {


set ldap_user [getfield $login_user "\" 2]


HTTP::header replace SAPUserID $ldap_user







But it is throwing the following parsing error while saving:



01070151:3: Rule [insert.header.rule] error:


line 4: [parse error: missing "] ["\" 2]


HTTP::header replace SAPUserID $ldap_user



Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

11 Replies

  • You could try this.



    when RULE_INIT {    
                array set NTLMFlags {    
                        unicode        0x00000001    
                        oem            0x00000002    
                        req_target     0x00000004    
                        unknown1       0x00000008    
                        sign           0x00000010    
                        seal           0x00000020    
                        datagram       0x00000040    
                        lmkey          0x00000080    
                        netware        0x00000100    
                        ntlm           0x00000200    
                        unknown2       0x00000400    
                        unknown3       0x00000800    
                        ntlm_domain    0x00001000    
                        ntlm_server    0x00002000    
                        ntlm_share     0x00004000    
                        NTLM2          0x00008000    
                        targetinfo     0x00800000    
                        128bit         0x20000000    
                        keyexch        0x40000000    
                        56bit          0x80000000    
        when HTTP_REQUEST {    
                if { [HTTP::header Authorization] starts_with "NTLM " } {    
                        set ntlm_msg [ b64decode [split [lindex [HTTP::header Authorization] 1] ] ]    
                        binary scan $ntlm_msg a7ci protocol zero type    
                        switch -exact -- $type {    
                                3 {    
                                        binary scan $ntlm_msg @12ssissississississii \    
                                                                    lmlen lmlen2 lmoff \    
                                                                    ntlen ntlen2 ntoff \    
                                                                    dlen  dlen2  doff  \    
                                                                    ulen  ulen2  uoff \    
                                                                    hlen  hlen2  hoff \    
                                                                    slen  slen2  soff \    
                                        set ntlm_domain {}; binary scan $ntlm_msg @${doff}a${dlen} ntlm_domain    
                                        set ntlm_user {};   binary scan $ntlm_msg @${uoff}a${ulen} ntlm_user    
                                        set ntlm_host {};   binary scan $ntlm_msg @${hoff}a${hlen} ntlm_host    
                                        set unicode [expr {$flags & 0x00000001}]    
                                        if {$unicode} {    
                                                set ntlm_domain_convert ""    
                                                foreach i [ split $ntlm_domain ""] {     
                                                        scan $i %c c    
                                                        if {$c>1} {    
                                                                append ntlm_domain_convert $i    
                                                        } elseif {$c<128} {    
                                                                set ntlm_domain_convert $ntlm_domain_convert    
                                                        } else {    
                                                                append ntlm_domain_convert \\u[format %04.4X $c]    
                                                set ntlm_domain $ntlm_domain_convert    
                                                set ntlm_user_convert ""    
                                                foreach i [ split $ntlm_user ""] {     
                                                        scan $i %c c    
                                                        if {$c>1} {    
                                                                append ntlm_user_convert $i    
                                                        } elseif {$c<128} {    
                                                                set ntlm_user_convert $ntlm_user_convert    
                                                        } else {    
                                                                append ntlm_user_convert \\u[format %04.4X $c]    
                                                set ntlm_user   $ntlm_user_convert    
                                                set ntlm_host_convert ""    
                                                foreach i [ split $ntlm_host ""] {     
                                                        scan $i %c c    
                                                        if {$c>1} {    
                                                                append ntlm_host_convert $i    
                                                        } elseif {$c<128} {    
                                                                set ntlm_host_convert $ntlm_host_convert    
                                                        } else {    
                                                                append ntlm_host_convert \\u[format %04.4X $c]    
                                                set ntlm_host   $ntlm_host_convert    
                                        binary scan $ntlm_msg @${ntoff}a${ntlen} ntdata    
                                        binary scan $ntlm_msg @${lmoff}a${lmlen} lmdata    
                                        binary scan $ntdata H* ntdata_h    
                                        binary scan $lmdata H* lmdata_h    
                                        HTTP::header replace SAPUserID $ntlm_user    
                                default {    
                                log local0. "NTLM type code was not parsed."   



    This should do what you want (although a little expensively, what with the Unicode handling loops and the decoding of the whole NTLM package -- PD, are you listening? 😆 ).



    This code will not parse message types 1 and 2, but you really should only see a type 1 and 3 message from the client side -- and type doesn't contain much usable session data.