Forum Discussion

Kevin_Nail's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 03, 2009

GTM Topology configuration




I have a configuration dilema that I am not sure how to resolve.


Here is the scenario. I have 3 GTM's all in one location, so all queries will go the same geographic location. I need to load-balance (for lack of a better term) DNS queries between 4 different servers based on client-IP. The servers are located in:












I have created 4 different data centers and placed the Singapore, Colorado, and Korat servers by themselves in their own datacenter. The Oklahoma servers already has a datacenter with several other IPs.



I need clients from Singapore to get handed back the server in Sinagapore, etc...



My question is this. Which would be better suited, topology or an iRule. There is 1 wideip and 1 pool that contains the 4 other servers (actually pools of servers. I created 1 pool for each location).



I could configure topology but I am not sure how to set it up so that I don't run into issues with any other future topology plans. IE: Should the destination be based on datacenter location of specific pool or regions?



Or should I just use an iRule. Any help or suggestions?






13 Replies

  • ran into a problem...



    Have the wideip setup on topology


    fallback pool is set to oklahoma


    Colorado pool is down


    When Colorado client hits ths wideip, they are being hand back all 5 of the IPs instead of going to OKlahoma...


    Any ideas?



    The topology records would have 2 matches. One for IP subnet (200 weight), 1 for continet is not Asia (weight 100). The "not Asia" records point to Oklahoma pool, so I expect to see the Oklahoma IP handed back, not all 5
  • Getting all possibilities back means it's hitting the Return to DNS as the Fallback method (straight BIND). But I would also expect the topology weights to have worked there, hmmm.



  • I would think that also... But maybe it could be the way the pool is set up? There is only one member in the Colo. pool



    IN the Colo. pool, we have the following



    Primary: round robin


    Alternate: round robin


    fallback: return to DNS



    Is this incorrect? I was hoping that the topology weighting would come into play so that even if the colo pool was down, it would send the request to the next matching record which would be "continent not Asia" and send it to the Oklahoma Pool.



    Maybe the topology only is used on the initial reuest? SHould I use a different P, A, and fallback?



    Thanks for your help.


