Forum Discussion

Adam_5712's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 19, 2010

having a little trouble persisting through many vips to pool members on a specific host

Can anyone point me to an example that might help resolve this persistence issue?



I have a set of VIPs for various portals that route to pools that contain 3 virtual interfaces. Each virtual interface resides on a specific host and in each pool I have a member that represents the virtual interface from each host. The application is supposed to detect if your session belongs on host A, B, or C but this is not working. When a source ip is load balanced to a pool member on host A, I need all subsequent requests by this IP to also be routed to host A, no matter which of the 4 vips they request. The connection needs to always select the pool member on the same host it used when the session was established.



Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!






15 Replies

  • Hey Hoolio, for sure, don't get me wrong, the DC people do an awesome job... I've learned so much from their wikis and blogs.. I really appreciate the info..



  • Agreed, but I do like the idea of a wiki page discussing new commands/features in each new release.



  • Just found this old post and remembered that Jason added an index of command changes by version:





  • I've done something similar using class search - value. Any advantages to either method?
  • class lookup is a synonym for class match and equals:




    class lookup < item > < class >



    * Equivalent to: class match -value equals



    class search -value allows you to use an operator other than equals like starts_with or ends_with.


