Forum Discussion

tm500_165564's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 05, 2015

Help with URI string-based session persistence

Hi all Warning: Newer to F5 but really enjoying the experience so far. Trying to get my hands dirty with iRules. I've been doing a lot of research on the forums and I haven't come across the "gol...
  • nitass's avatar
    Jun 11, 2015

    If this happens the LB just sends the request to the same node that the TCP session is tied to - but the iRule still logs as seeing the new strID value. I was confused and expected this to create a new persistence record and load balance the request, but something tells me I would need more logic in my iRule to detach the connection and re-load balance it with a new persistence record.


    you can use oneconnect profile. it will do that for you.