Forum Discussion

Robert_47833's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jul 29, 2011

how to insert cookie and persist to it

Hi,dear irule


I have a pool cjj which has 10 members ,ration is the load blance method



I need to insert cookie and persist with cookie ,


for example client1 ----->VS---->pool member1 ,then insert one cookie(session cookie) to it, then persist this connection to the same pool member.



when HTTP::request {


if [HTTP::uri] starts_with "help"


pool cjj


persist cookie insert BIGIP_ABURL 0





when I want to apply it to the VS,it told me I need to add a persist profile


but I don't want to add a profile.because there are 10 pools under this vs and in this irule(don't want to use persist none in them,too many pools)


it will affect them



1:how to resolve this?


2:in the rule above,I don't set the cookie value,bigip will set it atuomatically?


pls help


12 Replies

  • Hi Jucao,

    Sorry I don't have a lab work up for this. However, looking at the logic try the following

    when HTTP_REQUEST timing on {
       set uri [string tolower [HTTP::uri]]
       if {[class match $uri starts_with gen3abURLs_SRWD29] } {
           if {([HTTP::cookie value_cookie] ne "")  } {
               scan [HTTP::cookie value_cookie] %s%d member port
                pool cjjlb member $member $port
        } else {
            pool cjjb
    when LB_SELECTED {
      set lbvalue "[LB::server_addr] [LB::server port]"
    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
      if {$lbvalue ne "" } {
         HTTP::cookie insert name value_cookie value $lbvalue path "/"

    I hope this helps

  • Hi,Bhattmaneat


    this time it works,hahaha


    thanks very much ,it is so great