Forum Discussion

KJ_50941's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 30, 2013

HTTP to HTTPS redirect

Hi, all


HTTPS works well, however when I applied HTTP to HTTPS irule ( see below) on 80_VIP the application began failing. The users could make a connection to HTTPS, but when they tried to log in, they received a generic error message “An error occurred in the secure channel operation.”. Looking at the event log on the server, from the time that HTTPS was required, we began receiving crypt32 errors about being able to reach the authentication server to update the certificate.



here is redirect from HTTP to HTTPS irule I used:




HTTP::redirect ]









14 Replies

  • beside security, I know this is on server/app site, what could be the issue?
  • I don't have the capability to look at client-site, what about running tcpdump on F5, would that help?


  • Client SIDE.



    Fiddler2, IEWatch, HTTPWatch, or any client side tool that will allow you to see what the client (you) are getting from the BIG-IP and from the server. TCPDUMP on the BIG-IP would work, but would require the extra effort of decrypting the payload. SSLDUMP on the BIG-IP is also an option. The browser tools are by far the better method though.
  • Arie's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

    Would you happen to have access to a Packet Analyzer (e.g. OPNET Transaction Xpert)?