Forum Discussion

Krys_Frankiewic's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 27, 2015

HTTPS session not passing through F5.

We have HTTPS application using TCP 50001. Certificate is insatlled on the server, not on the F5. For unknown reason we are not able to pass the SSL sesion to the server. When I installed cert on the F5 I can establish the session. The bottom line is we don't want certificate on the F5. Why F5 is not passing HTTPS:50001 directly to the server. I have no problem with HTTP:50001.


11 Replies

  • Not even hash, just source address. Further, if you're allowing access from the Internet, source addresses sort of become unreliable too. You have no idea what's NATted, so you could get a cluster of users coming from the same source address.