Forum Discussion

meena_60183's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 20, 2008

Intelligent SNAT help

I need some help in understanding if I am in the right direction.



I have the following scenario.



I have 2 web servers and that needs port 80 (http) load balancing. I created a virtual server with a public IP of x.x.31.69 and that works fine. These servers have the BigIP as the default gateway. I can access the servers for mgmt. access like RDP etc.



Now, there is a requiremnet that the outgoing traffic initiated from these servers should appear that it is originating from the virtual address of x.x.31.69. I created a SNAT that NATed and to x.x.31.69.



Now, when I ping the server or 35, I get a reply from x.x.31.69. I cannot access the servers using RDP.



I would like to restrict the SNAT only for port 80 traffic. Do I need an iRule or do I need to do something else? I am little confused on this part.



Any suggestions?




11 Replies

  • I created a pool called default-gw-pool and I just added the bigIP's default gateway and added that pool to the VS and it seems to be working fine now.



    Thanks everyone for your help.


