Forum Discussion

NZ_David_20489's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 30, 2014

Active-Active configuration - 2nd unit 'cannot go active' on traffic-group-2.



We have 2 x F5 LTMs (+ASM) on version 11.2.1 HF10 and several partitions and Route Domains. They were configured as an Active-Standby pair, with a single traffic group. We have added a second traffic group (Traffic-group-2), despite the default device (Unit 2), Unti 1 has become active. We have tried to force unit 1 to standby for traffic group 2 but it fails. Unit 1 seems to attempt to become standby, however unit 2 does not accept the active role. The below appears in the Log: May 30 13:25:14 LTM2 notice sod[5822]: 010c004f:5: Target device "IP Address" for traffic group /Common/traffic-group-2 cannot go active, peer remains active.


This is the first time I've tried using traffic-groups so may be something simple. Any ideas anyone?


Thanks in advance.


3 Replies

  • The below appears in the Log:


    May 30 13:25:14 LTM2 notice sod[5822]: 010c004f:5: Target device "IP Address" for traffic group /Common/traffic-group-2 cannot go active, peer remains active.


    are you using any other ha feature such as failsafe, ha group?


    • AjayPra_161698's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hi David, I am planning to use route domains with separate traffic-group for each route-domains. 1.Create Route Domain 1,2,3 in common partition. 2.Create traffic groups 1,2,3 3.assign traffci groups to respective route domain