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ERLomboy_27803's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 08, 2014

iRule rewrite | URL hiding

Hi Guys,


Have a requirement and I'll try to provide as much details as possible to help understand.


Internet users views web page, and posts web form to: htps://


The 1st F5 (has SSL cert) receives the traffic and sends the request ( including form data, and URL and query string) to the 2nd F5 (without SSL cert, and is managed on a different dmz location) and the 2nd F5 points to webserver: HTTP:// The webserver returns the data to Internet users but the users should still see the URL they visited (htps://


Notes: Different Protocol ( https vs. http) Different Hostname ( vs. Different Port : 443 vs. 8080 everything after the "/help/site1" is passed to the the target webserver. Users\Internet browser should only see "" and NOT the HTTP://


In summary: the user only ever sees the URL:


HTTPS://www.mysite/help/site1/ Note: everything after the “/site1/” could change – and we should account for such a scenario.


But, “end user redirection” – e.g., issuance of an HTTP 300, 301, 302 to the end user browser, should never occur, because we want to shield the end user from the actual destination URL.


Thanks, Edward


32 Replies

  • Would it show even if the uri path is non-existent?

  is incoming request from client to f5, isn't it?


  • Appreciate if you can provide further assistance on this.


    i think you have to find out why is not shown in log.