Forum Discussion

yves_werniers_1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 08, 2010

irule stream::exporession and data group list




I would like to rewrite responses from webservers to add a part to the url (in certain cases). Is it possible to use the stream::expression with data group lists? Like that, I could make a list for the source, and one for the target. The content of those lists would include things like




so with only one double quote



If I just use a stream profile with those entries, it works. But the traget field would probably become too long if I had to put all strings in there.



I have tried something like





set stream_expression "@$::test_in@$::test_out@"


STREAM::expression $stream_expression







where test_in and test_out are data group lists


that does not work



any suggestions?


11 Replies

  • It will probably not change that often, but I would like it to manageable by non admins. I prefer to let them change a list data group than let them edit an irule.


    But it is a good point and I will certainly consider it.