Forum Discussion

bdavis's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 01, 2014

IRULE: TCL Error when trying to invoke STREAM expression.

So recently I created a https front-end to a http application so I could put a SSO apm policy on the front-end for external entities to access the site. I then realized that the application developer's hard coded absolute links into the sites code pointing to http. So I tried putting a generic stream profile on the Virtual Server and using the irule off devcentral to rewrite the link's on the responses back to the user. However when I try to do this I receive this tcl error in the logs and it breaks my virtual server.


TCL error: /Common/http_rewrite_https - Operation not supported (line 1) invoked from within "STREAM::expression {@}"


Here is the irule that I'm using off of Devcentral.


    HTTP::header remove Accept-Encoding
    if { [HTTP::header exists Location] } {
        HTTP::header replace Location [string map {"http://" "https://"} [HTTP::header Location]]
    if { [HTTP::header Content-Type] contains "text" } {
        STREAM::expression {@http@https@}

13 Replies

  • AP's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Same issue in 11.6. Layered VS with LTM-Steam in front also worked for me, though I'd prefer a tidier solution.


  • Hello, I know this has been around a while but the single VS solution I use is to place a catch around the stream disable and only enable the stream when the policy is in the allow state using a flag:


    when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set disableStream 1 }
    when HTTP_REQUEST { catch { STREAM::disable } }
    when ACCESS_ACL_ALLOWED { set disableStream 0 }
    when HTTP_RESPONSE { if { $disableStream } { return }
     rest of STREAM code

    We no longer have errors, hope it helps.


  • I'm fairly sure you have to disable stream in HTTP_RESPONSE if you are going to replace/update the string.


    I believe that STREAM replacement is enabled in both directions (inbound on REQUEST and outbound on RESPONSE) but they are treated independently. So you have to disable on both.