Forum Discussion

Marcus_59536's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 03, 2009

iRUle to check current pool member and show if its up.

I currently can see if the current pool is up and name, but I can't see the pool server IP until I actually manually make the F5 make a LB decision.



How can I make that decision within/before this HTTP_REQUEST?







set current_pool [LB::server pool]


set response "$current_pool Pool Status - [clock format [clock seconds]]"


if {[HTTP::uri] eq "/status" } {


set current_port [LB::server port]


set current_member [LB::server addr]


if { [active_members [LB::server pool] ] < 1 } {


set response "$response POOL NAME:$current_pool


CURRENT SERVER:$current_member:$current_port






} else {


set response "$response NAME:$current_pool


CURRENT SERVER:$current_member:$current_port








HTTP::respond 200 content $response "Content-Type" "text/html"







These all show up as NULL until I manually make a LB decision. How can I change this to work as I planned?




13 Replies

  • Here is one example. Keep in mind that this is not dynamic. You have to add to the class object everytime you want something monitored.

        class xpools {    

        when HTTP_REQUEST {    
                if { [HTTP::uri] eq "/status" } {    
                        set response "BIGIP Pool Member Status - \    <br>                    [clock format [clock seconds]]BIGIP Pool Member Status - [clock format [clock seconds]]\    
                        StatusPool NameMemberPort"                                                foreach { selectedpool } $::xpools {                                if { [catch {                                        scan [split [getfield $selectedpool " " 1] "/"] %s%s poolname addrport                                        scan [split $addrport ":"] %s%d addr port                                        switch -glob [LB::status pool $poolname member $addr $port] {                                                "up" {                                                        append response "UP\                                                        [string tolower $poolname]$addr$port"                                                }                                                "down" {                                                         append response "DOWN\                                                        [string tolower $poolname]$addr$port"                                                }                                                "session_enabled" {                                                         append response "ENABLED\                                                        [string tolower $poolname]$addr$port"                                                }                                                "session_disabled" {                                                         append response "DISABLED\                                                        [string tolower $poolname]$addr$port"                                                }                                                Default {                                                        append response "INVALID\                                                        [string tolower $poolname]$addr$port"                                                }                                        }                                        SWITCH END                                } errmsg] } {                                         append response "INVALID\                                                [string tolower $poolname]$addr$port"                                        }                        }                        append response ""      
                        HTTP::respond 200 content $response "Content-Type" "text/html"    

    I hope this helps


  • You can save a bit on parsing the pool name, IP and port:





    set selectedpool "pool_1/"



    replace this:


    scan [split [getfield $selectedpool " " 1] "/"] %s%s poolname addrport


    scan [split $addrport ":"] %s%d addr port



    with this:


    scan $selectedpool {%[^/]/%[^:]:%s} poolname addr port



    log sample


    puts "$poolname $addr $port"


    pool1 80



  • Interesting. Tried parsing from a single line befpre and from the CPU process it took longer then the 2 statements. It would be nice of someone else to see if what I was experience was just my test box.




